
On a New Approach for Analyzing and Managing Macrofinancial Risks

Merton, Robert C., Monica Billio, Mila Getmansky, Dale Gray, Andrew W. Lo, and Loriana Pelizzon (2013), On a New Approach for Analyzing and Managing Macrofinancial Risks, Financial Analysts Journal 69 (2), 22–33.

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What Do Humans Perceive in Asset Returns?

with Jasmina Hasanhodzic and Emanuele Viola, Hasanhodzic, Jasmina, Andrew W. Lo, and Emanuele Viola (2019), What Do Humans Perceive in Asset Returns?, Journal of Portfolio Management 45 (4), 49–60.

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Privacy-Preserving Methods for Sharing Financial Risk Exposures

Abbe, Emmanuel A., Amir E. Khandani, and Andrew W. Lo (2012), Privacy-Preserving Methods for Sharing Financial Risk Exposures, American Economic Review 102 (3), 65–70.

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Econometric Measures of Connectedness and Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors

Billio, Monica, Mila Getmansky, Andrew W. Lo, and Loriana Pelizzon (2012), Econometric Measures of Connectedness and Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors, Journal of Financial Economics 104 (3), 535–559.

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Reading About the Financial Crisis: A Twenty-One-Book Review

Lo, Andrew W. (2012), Reading about the Financial Crisis: A Twenty-One-Book Review, Journal of Economic Literature 50 (1), 151–178.

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Do Hedge Funds Increase Systemic Risks?

Chan, Nicholas, Mila Getmansky, Shane M. Haas, and Andrew W. Lo (2006), Do Hedge Funds Increase Systemic Risks?, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review 91 (4), 49–80.

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Optimal Control of Execution Costs

Bertsimas, Dimitris, and Andrew W. Lo (1998), Optimal Control of Execution Costs, Journal of Financial Markets 1 (1), 1–50.

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Nonparametric Estimation of State-Price Densities Implicit In Financial Asset Prices

Aït-Sahalia, Yacine, and Andrew W. Lo (1998), Nonparametric Estimation of State-Price Densities Implicit in Financial Asset Prices, Journal of Finance 53 (2), 499–547.

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Maximizing Predictability in the Stock and Bond Markets

Lo, Andrew W., and A. Craig MacKinlay (1997), Maximizing Predictability in the Stock and Bond Markets, Macroeconomic Dynamics 1 (1), 102–134.

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Implementing Option Pricing Models When Asset Returns Are Predictable

Lo, Andrew W., and Jiang Wang (1995), Implementing Option Pricing Models When Asset Returns Are Predictable, Journal of Finance 50 (1), 87–129.

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