
Pricing for Survival in the Biopharma Industry: A Case Study of Acthar Gel and Questcor Pharmaceuticals

Burnham, Terence C., Samuel Huang, and Andrew W. Lo (2017), Pricing for Survival in the Biopharma Industry: A Case Study of Acthar Gel and Questcor Pharmaceuticals, Journal of Investment Management 15 (4), 69–91.

Just How Good an Investment Is the Biopharmaceutical Sector?

Thakor, Richard T., Nicholas Anaya, Yuwei Zhang, Christian Vilanilam, Kien Wei Siah, Chi Heem Wong, and Andrew W. Lo (2017), Just How Good an Investment Is the Biopharmaceutical Sector?, Nature Biotechnology 35 (12), 1149–1157.

Re-Inventing Drug Development: A Case Study of the I-SPY 2 Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Program

Das, Sonya, and Andrew W. Lo (2017), Re-Inventing Drug Development: A Case Study of the I-SPY 2 Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Program, Contemporary Clinical Trials 62, 168–174.

Stop-loss Strategies with Serial Correlation, Regime Switching, and Transaction Costs

Lo, Andrew W., and Alexander Remorov (2017), Stop-Loss Strategies with Serial Correlation, Regime Switching, and Transaction Costs, Journal of Financial Markets 34, 1–15.

The Growth of Relative Wealth and the Kelly Criterion

Lo, Andrew W., H. Allen Orr, and Ruixun Zhang (2018), The Growth of Relative Wealth and the Kelly Criterion, Journal of Bioeconomics 20 (1), 49–67.

Accelerating Biomedical Innovation: A Case Study of the SPARK Program at Stanford University, School of Medicine

Kim, Esther S., Paige M. C. Omura, and Andrew W. Lo (2017), Accelerating Biomedical Innovation: A Case Study of the SPARK Program at Stanford University, School of Medicine, Drug Discovery Today 22 (7), 1064–1068.

Hedge Fund Holdings and Stock Market Efficiency

Cao, Charles, Bing Liang, Andrew W. Lo, and Lubomir Petrasek (2018), Hedge Fund Holdings and Stock Market Efficiency, Review of Asset Pricing Studies 8 (1), 77–116.

Discussion: New Directions for the FDA in the 21st Century

Lo, Andrew W. (2017), Discussion: New Directions for the FDA in the 21st Century, Biostatistics 18 (3), 404–407.

Moore’s Law vs. Murphy’s Law in the Financial System: Who’s Winning?

Lo, Andrew W. (2017), Moore’s Law vs. Murphy’s Law in the Financial System: Who’s Winning?, Journal of Investment Management 15 (1), 17–38.

Return Smoothing, Liquidity Costs, and Investor Flows: Evidence from a Separate Account Platform

Cao, Charles, Grant Farnsworth, Bing Liang, and Andrew W. Lo (2017), Return Smoothing, Liquidity Costs, and Investor Flows: Evidence from a Separate Account Platform, Management Science 63 (7), 2233–2250.

P-Values vs. Patient Values: A New Statistical Approach to the Drug-Approval Quandary

Lo, Andrew W. (2016), P-Values vs. Patient Values: A New Statistical Approach to the Drug-Approval Quandary, Milken Institute Review, Second Quarter, 56–63.

What Can Mother Nature Teach Us About Managing Financial Systems?

Levin, Simon, and Andrew W. Lo (2016), What Can Mother Nature Teach Us About Managing Financial Systems, The Christian Science Monitor, August 22.

Letter to Senators Wyden and Grassley: Comment on Their Sovaldi Report

Lo, Andrew W. (2016), Letter to Senators Wyden and Grassley: Comment on Their Sovaldi Report, February 27.

TRC Networks and Systemic Risk

Lo, Andrew W., and Roger M. Stein (2016), TRC Networks and Systemic Risk, Journal of Alternative Investments 18 (4), 52–67.

Health, Wealth, and the 21st Century Cures Act

Lo, Andrew W., Tomas J. Philipson, and Andrew C. von Eschenbach (2016), Health, Wealth, and the 21st Century Cures Act, JAMA Oncology 2 (1), 17–18.