
Dynamic Loss Probabilities and Implications for Financial Regulation

Brennan, Thomas J., and Andrew W. Lo (2014), Dynamic Loss Probabilities and Implications for Financial Regulation, Yale Journal on Regulation 31 (3), 667–694.

Group Selection as Behavioral Adaptation to Systematic Risk

Zhang, Ruixun, Thomas J. Brennan, and Andrew W. Lo (2014), Group Selection as Behavioral Adaptation to Systematic Risk, PLoS ONE 9 (10), e110848.

Parallel Discovery of Alzheimer’s Therapeutics

Lo, Andrew W., Carole Ho, Jayna Cummings, and Kenneth S. Kosik (2014), Parallel Discovery of Alzheimer’s Therapeutics, Science Translational Medicine 6 (241), 241cm5.

When Do Stop-Loss Rules Stop Losses?

Kaminski, Kathryn M., and Andrew W. Lo (2014), When Do Stop-Loss Rules Stop Losses?, Journal of Financial Markets 18 (1), 234–254.

Quantifying Systemic Risk

Haubrich, Joseph G., and Andrew W. Lo (2013), Quantifying Systemic Risk, edited volume, University of Chicago Press.

Fear, Greed, and Financial Crises: A Cognitive Neurosciences Perspective

Lo, Andrew W. (2013), Fear, Greed, and Financial Crises: A Cognitive Neurosciences Perspective, In Handbook of Systemic Risk, edited by Jean-Pierre Fouque and Joseph A. Langsam, 622–662.

Can Hedge Funds Time Market Liquidity?

Cao, Charles, Yong Chen, Bing Liang, and Andrew W. Lo (2013), Can Hedge Funds Time Market Liquidity?, Journal of Financial Economics 109 (2), 493–516.

Learning Connections in Financial Time Series

Ganeshapillai, Gartheeban, John Guttag, and Andrew W. Lo (2013), Learning Connections in Financial Time Series, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning, in PMLR 28 (2), 109–117.

The Origin of Bounded Rationality and Intelligence

Lo, Andrew W. (2013), The Origin of Bounded Rationality and Intelligence, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 157 (3), 269–280.

On a New Approach for Analyzing and Managing Macrofinancial Risks

Merton, Robert C., Monica Billio, Mila Getmansky, Dale Gray, Andrew W. Lo, and Loriana Pelizzon (2013), On a New Approach for Analyzing and Managing Macrofinancial Risks, Financial Analysts Journal 69 (2), 22–33.

Can Financial Engineering Cure Cancer?

Fagnan, David E., Jose-Maria Fernandez, Andrew W. Lo, and Roger M. Stein (2013), Can Financial Engineering Cure Cancer?, American Economic Review 103 (3), 406–411.

Using Algorithmic Attribution Techniques To Determine Authorship In Unsigned Judicial Opinions

Li, William, Pablo D. Azar, David Larochelle, Phil Hill, James Cox, Robert C. Berwick, and Andrew W. Lo (2013), Using Algorithmic Attribution Techniques to Determine Authorship in Unsigned Judicial Opinions, Stanford Technology Law Review 16 (3), 503–534.

Moore’s Law versus Murphy’s Law: Algorithmic Trading and Its Discontents

Kirilenko, Andrei A., and Andrew W. Lo (2013), Moore’s Law versus Murphy’s Law: Algorithmic Trading and Its Discontents, Journal of Economic Perspectives 27 (2), 51–72.

Systemic Risk and the Refinancing Ratchet Effect

Khandani, Amir E., Andrew W. Lo, and Robert C. Merton (2013), Systemic Risk and the Refinancing Ratchet Effect, Journal of Financial Economics 108 (1), 29–45.

What’s the Use of Economics? Teaching the Dismal Science after the Crisis, Chapter 7

Lo, Andrew W. (2012), What Post-Crisis Changes Does the Economics Discipline Need?: Beware of Theory Envy!, In What’s the Use of Economics?: Teaching the Dismal Science After the Crisis, edited by Diane Coyle, 39–48.