
The Wisdom of Crowds Versus the Madness of Mobs: An Evolutionary Model of Bias, Polarization, and Other Challenges to Collective Intelligence

Lo, Andrew W., and Ruixun Zhang (2022), The Wisdom of Crowds Versus the Madness of Mobs: An Evolutionary Model of Bias, Polarization, and Other Challenges to Collective Intelligence, Collective Intelligence 1(1).

Differentiated Dollars

Alvarez, Daniel L., and Andrew W. Lo (2022), Differentiated Dollars, Nature Biotechnology 40, 458–462.

Financing Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Development

Cummings, Jayna, Amanda Hu, Angela Su, and Andrew W. Lo (2022), Financing Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Development, In Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Development: Research and Development Ecosystem, edited by Jeffrey Cummings, Jefferson Kinney, and Howard Fillit, 465–479. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

World of EdCraft: Challenges and Opportunities in Synchronous Online Teaching

Lo, Andrew W., Brian Stevens, Sean P. Willems (2022), World of EdCraft: Challenges and Opportunities in Synchronous Online Teaching, Harvard Data Science Review 4 (2),

Sharing R&D Risk in Healthcare via FDA Hedges

Jorring, Adam T., Andrew W. Lo, Tomas J. Philipson, Manita Singh, and Richard T. Thakor (2022), Sharing R&D Risk in Healthcare via FDA Hedges, Review of Corporate Finance Studies 11(4), 880–922.

Competition and R&D Financing: Evidence from the Biopharmaceutical Industry

Thakor, Richard T., and Andrew W. Lo (2022), Competition and R&D Financing: Evidence from the Biopharmaceutical Industry, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 57 (5), 1885–1928.

Financing Vaccines for Global Health Security

Vu, Jonathan T., Benjamin K. Kaplan, Shomesh E. Chaudhuri, Monique K. Mansoura, and Andrew W. Lo (2022), Financing Vaccines for Global Health Security, Journal Of Investment Management 20 (2), 51-67.

A Brainier Approach to ESG Investing

Smith, Erin, Rashi Ojha, Andrew W. Lo, Jeffrey L. Cummings, William Hynes, and Harris Eyre (2021), Psychiatric Times, March 26.

Predicting drug approvals: The Novartis data science and artificial intelligence challenge

Wei Siah, Kien, Nicholas W. Kelley, Steffen Ballerstedt, Bjorn Holzhauer, Tianmeng Lyu, David Mettler, Sophie Sun, Simon Wandel, Yang Zhong, Bin Zhou, Shifeng Pan, Yingyao Zhou, and Andrew W. Lo (2021), Predicting drug approvals: The Novartis data science and artificial intelligence challenge, Patterns 2 (8), 1-9.

The Financial System Red in Tooth and Claw: 75 Years of Co-Evolving Markets and Technology

Lo, Andrew W. (2021), The Financial System Red in Tooth and Claw: 75 Years of Co-Evolving Markets and Technology, Financial Analysts Journal 77 (3), 5-33.

The Risk, Reward, and Asset Allocation of Nonprofit Endowment Funds (Working Paper)

Lo, Andrew W., Egor Matveyev, and Stefan Zeume (2021), The Risk, Reward, and Asset Allocation of Nonprofit Endowment Funds, Working Paper.

Can Financial Economics Cure Cancer?

Lo, Andrew W. (2021), Can Financial Economics Cure Cancer?, Atlantic Economic Journal 49, 3–21.

Spectral factor models

Bandi, Federico M., Shomesh E. Chaudhuri, Andrew W. Lo, Andrea Tamoni (2021), Spectral factor models, Journal of Financial Economics 142, 214-238.

The Evolutionary Origin of Bayesian heuristics and Finite Memory

Lo, Andrew W., and Ruixun Zhang (2021), The Evolutionary Origin of Bayesian Heuristics and Finite Memory, iScience 24 (8).

To Maximize or Randomize? An Experimental Study of Probability Matching in Financial Decision Making

Lo, Andrew W., Katherine Marlowe, and Ruixun Zhang (2021), To maximize or randomize? An experimental study of probability matching in financial decision making, PLoS ONE 16(8), e0252540.