
What Post-Crisis Changes Does the Economics Discipline Need?: Beware of Theory Envy!

Lo, Andrew W. (2012), What Post-Crisis Changes Does the Economics Discipline Need?: Beware of Theory Envy!, In What’s the Use of Economics?: Teaching the Dismal Science After the Crisis, edited by Diane Coyle, 39–48.

A Survey of Systemic Risk Analytics

Bisias, Dimitrios, Mark Flood, Andrew W. Lo, and Stavros Valavanis (2012), A Survey of Systemic Risk Analytics, Annual Review of Financial Economics 4 (1), 255–296.

Commercializing Biomedical Research through Securitization Techniques

Fernandez, Jose-Maria, Roger M. Stein, and Andrew W. Lo (2012), Commercializing Biomedical Research through Securitization Techniques, Nature Biotechnology 30 (10), 964–975.

Do Labyrinthine Legal Limits on Leverage Lessen the Likelihood of Losses? An Analytical Framework

Lo, Andrew W., and Thomas J. Brennan (2012), Do Labyrinthine Legal Limits on Leverage Lessen the Likelihood of Losses? An Analytical Framework, Texas Law Review 90, 1775–1810.

Estimating the NIH Efficient Frontier

Bisias, Dimitrios, Andrew W. Lo, and James F. Watkins (2012), Estimating the NIH Efficient Frontier, PLoS ONE 7 (5), e34569.

Finance is in Need of a Technological Revolution

Lo, Andrew W. (2012), Finance is in Need of a Technological Revolution, Financial Times, August 27.

Adaptive Markets and the New World Order

Lo, Andrew W. (2012), Adaptive Markets and the New World Order, Financial Analysts Journal 68 (2), 18–29.

An Evolutionary Model of Bounded Rationality and Intelligence

Brennan, Thomas J., and Andrew W. Lo (2012), An Evolutionary Model of Bounded Rationality and Intelligence, PLoS ONE 7 (11), e50310.

Reading About the Financial Crisis: A Twenty-One-Book Review

Lo, Andrew W. (2012), Reading about the Financial Crisis: A Twenty-One-Book Review, Journal of Economic Literature 50 (1), 151–178.

Econometric Measures of Connectedness and Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors

Billio, Monica, Mila Getmansky, Andrew W. Lo, and Loriana Pelizzon (2012), Econometric Measures of Connectedness and Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors, Journal of Financial Economics 104 (3), 535–559.

Privacy-Preserving Methods for Sharing Financial Risk Exposures

Abbe, Emmanuel A., Amir E. Khandani, and Andrew W. Lo (2012), Privacy-Preserving Methods for Sharing Financial Risk Exposures, American Economic Review 102 (3), 65–70.

The FTSE StableRisk Indices

Chafkin, Jeremiah H., Andrew W. Lo, and Robert W. Sinnott (2011), The FTSE StableRisk Indices, Journal of Index Investing 2 (2), 12–35.

Managing Real-Time Risks and Returns: The Thomson Reuters NewsScope Event Indices

Healy, Alexander D., and Andrew W. Lo (2011), Managing Real-Time Risks and Returns: The Thomson Reuters NewsScope Event Indices, In The Handbook of News Analytics in Finance, edited by Gautam Mitra and Leela Mitra, 73–108.

A Computational View of Market Efficiency

Hasanhodzic, Jasmina, Andrew W. Lo, and Emanuele Viola (2011), A Computational View of Market Efficiency, Quantitative Finance 11 (7), 1043–1050.

The National Transportation Safety Board A Model for Systemic Risk Management

Fielding, Eric, Andrew W. Lo, and Jian Helen Yang (2011), The National Transportation Safety Board: A Model for Systemic Risk Management, Journal of Investment Management 9 (1), 17–49.