
Why Artificial Intelligence May Not Be As Useful or As Challenging As Artificial Stupidity

Lo, Andrew W. (2019), Why Artificial Intelligence May Not Be As Useful or As Challenging As Artificial Stupidity, Harvard Data Science Review 1 (1),

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Adaptive Platform Trials: Definition, Design, Conduct and Reporting Considerations

The Adaptive Platform Trials Coalition (2019), Adaptive Platform Trials: Definition, Design, Conduct and Reporting Considerations, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 18 (10), 797–807.

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Letter to Senators Wyden and Grassley: Comment on Their Sovaldi Report

Lo, Andrew W. (2016), Letter to Senators Wyden and Grassley: Comment on Their Sovaldi Report, February 27.

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Macroeconomic Modeling and Financial Stability: Lessons from the Crisis

Lo, Andrew W. (2014), Macroeconomic Modeling and Financial Stability: Lessons from the Crisis, Banking Perspective 2, 22–31.

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To Cure Cancer, Provide a Profit Motive

Lo, Andrew W., and Roger M. Stein (2014), To Cure Cancer, A Profit Motive, Scientific American SA Forum, March 26.

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Attack of the Clones

Hasanhodzic, Jasmina, and Andrew W. Lo (2006), Attack of the Clones, Institutional Investor's, June, 54–61.

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Discussion: New Directions for the FDA in the 21st Century

Lo, Andrew W. (2017), Discussion: New Directions for the FDA in the 21st Century, Biostatistics 18 (3), 404–407.

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Price, Value, and the Cost of Cancer Drugs

with    , Fojo, Tito, and Andrew W. Lo (2016), Price, Value, and the Cost of Cancer Drugs, The Lancet Oncology 17 (1), 3–5.

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Health, Wealth, and the 21st Century Cures Act

Lo, Andrew W., Tomas J. Philipson, and Andrew C. von Eschenbach (2016), Health, Wealth, and the 21st Century Cures Act, JAMA Oncology 2 (1), 17–18.

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Imagine if Robo Advisers Could Do Emotions

Lo, Andrew W. (2016), Imagine if Robo Advisers Could Do Emotions, Wall Street Journal, June 6.

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