
Robust Ranking and Portfolio Optimization

Nguyen, Tri-Dung, and Andrew W. Lo (2012), Robust Ranking and Portfolio Optimization, European Journal of Operational Research 221 (2), 407–416.

What Happened To The Quants In August 2007?: Evidence from Factors and Transactions Data

Khandani, Amir E., and Andrew W. Lo (2011), What Happened to the Quants in August 2007? Evidence from Factors and Transactions Data, Journal of Financial Markets 14 (1), 1–46.

Illiquidity Premia in Asset Returns: An Empirical Analysis of Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, and US Equity Portfolios

Khandani, Amir E., and Andrew W. Lo (2011), Illiquidity Premia in Asset Returns: An Empirical Analysis of Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, and US Equity Portfolios, Quarterly Journal of Finance 1 (2), 205–264.

Hedge Funds: An Analytic Perspective

2010 Revised Edition
Lo, Andrew W. (2008), Hedge Funds: An Analytic Perspective, Princeton University Press (revised and expanded edition, 2010).

The Evolution of Technical Analysis

Lo, Andrew W., and Jasmina Hasanhodzic (2010), The Evolution of Technical Analysis: Financial Prediction from Babylonian Tables to Bloomberg Terminals, John Wiley & Sons.

Stock Market Trading Volume

Lo, Andrew W., and Jiang Wang (2010), Stock Market Trading Volume, In Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Volume 2, edited by Yacine Äit-Sahalia and Lars Peter Hansen, 241–337.

Impossible Frontiers

Brennan, Thomas J., and Andrew W. Lo (2010), Impossible Frontiers, Management Science 56 (6), 905–923.

The Heretics of Finance

Lo, Andrew W., and Jasmina Hasanhodzic (2009), The Heretics of Finance: Conversations with Leading Practitioners of Technical Analysis, Bloomberg Press.

Regulatory Reform in the Wake of the Financial Crisis of 2007‐2008

Lo, Andrew W. (2009), Regulatory Reform in the Wake of the Financial Crisis of 2007‐2008, Journal of Financial Economic Policy 1 (1), 4-43.

Jumping the Gates: Using Beta-Overlay Strategies to Hedge Liquidity Constraints

Healy, Alexander D., and Andrew W. Lo (2009), Jumping the Gates: Using Beta-Overlay Strategies to Hedge Liquidity Constraints, Journal of Investment Management 7 (3), 1–20.

Where Do Alphas Come From?: A New Measure of the Value of Active Investment Management

Lo, Andrew W. (2008), Where Do Alphas Come From?: A Measure of the Value of Active Investment Management, Journal of Investment Management 6 (3), 6–34.

130/30: The New Long-Only

Lo, Andrew W., and Pankaj N. Patel (2008), 130/30: The New Long-Only, Journal of Portfolio Management 34 (2), 12–38.

International Library of Financial Econometrics, Volumes I – V

Lo, Andrew W. (2007), The International Library of Financial Econometrics Series, Volumes 1–5, edited volumes, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Systemic Risk and Hedge Funds

Chan, Nicholas, Mila Getmansky, Shane M. Haas, and Andrew W. Lo (2007), Systemic Risk and Hedge Funds, In The Risks of Financial Institutions, edited by Mark Carey and René M. Stulz, 235–338.

Can Hedge-Fund Returns Be Replicated?: The Linear Case

Hasanhodzic, Jasmina, and Andrew W. Lo (2007), Can Hedge-Fund Returns Be Replicated?: The Linear Case, Journal of Investment Management 5 (2), 5–45.